Hello, and welcome once again to our "still in hiatus" gaming blog, I've decided to take a quick break of studying from the ending semester exams to bring you this special post which will not just end here. Want to know who has the better hardware pricing in Europe? (sorry rest of the world, this one is for us Europeans!). Check out the first round of the 2011 series! England VS Portugal! More after the Break.
This "little" championship will consist in buying a PS3 and its accessories for two players (brothers, couples, flat mates rejoice!) and thinking about the delivery costs and everything so nothing will feel left out. There are a few rules:
The Search:
- The search was on different companies in different countries, if we would used the same company for different countries the result would be one sided due to the economic state of each country (eg. Game company is cheaper in UK then in PT due to the coin value), you are probably wondering
"Well, duh! thats the whole thing of having this sort of championship!"
Well trust me, this way each country gains more.
Internet Companies vs Physical Companies:
- There is a thing we need to sort out as well, its the difference from both, now we know that its not fair for eg. England having all the things coming from Shopto.net and Portugal from Fnac and Game. This is something we will want to avoid in the upcoming round to be imparcial. Once again we would love to receive your input in what stores we should look for (Internet Companies are more a thing for us then physical) so drop us an email. Your opinion is important to us!
The Rounds:
- There will be a total of 10 Rounds, from consoles to delivering price up to 2 Kg (Although if you shipped this all together it would way more then that). The winner will be decided after the sum of all the rounds and who has the lowest price in total.
So with everything settled! Let the Game begin!
Round 1 - Console!
(ENG) - Playstation 3 120 GB - €270,99 (Shopto.net)
(PT) - Playstation 3 160 GB - €299,99 (Fnac.pt)
Round 1: Winner - Portugal! (For the extra GB that is well worth spending more 30€ for)
Round 2 - Dualshock 3
(ENG) - €46 aprox. (Shopto.net)
(PT) - €60 aprox. (Game.pt)
Round 2: Winner - England!
Round 3 - Move Starter Pack
(ENG) - € 46 aprox. (Shopto.net)
(PT) - € 57 aprox. (Game.pt)
Round 3: Winner - England!
Round 4 - Extra Move Wand
(ENG) - € 38,05 (Shopto.net)
(PT) - € 39,95 (Game.pt)
Round 4: Winner - England!
Round 5 - 2x Nun-chucks
(ENG) - € 53,04 (Shopto.net)
(PT) - € 53,94 (Game.pt)
Round 5: Winner - England!
Round 6 - Move Recharger Stand (x2) (Non licensed)
(ENG) - € 23,06 (Shopto.Net)
(PT) - € 20,00 (Game.pt)
Round 6: Winner - Portugal!
Round 7 - Dualshock 3 Dual Charger (Official)
(ENG) - € 8 aprox. (Play.com / Uk)
(PT) - € 30 aprox. (Game.pt)
Round 7: Winner - England!
Round 8 - Sony Headset (x2) (Official)
(ENG) - €80 (Game.pt)
(PT) - €52 (Shopto.net)
Round 8: Winner - England!
Round 9 - Blue-Ray Remote (Official)
(ENG) - € 19,60 (Shopto.net)
(PT) - € 15,95 (Game.pt)
Round 9: Winner - Portugal!
Round 10 - Deliver Costs (Up to 2 Kg)
(ENG) - € 27,92 (Royal Mail)
(PT) - € 12,75 (CTT - International)
Round 10: Winner - Portugal!
Round in
Winner: England with 6 won rounds followed by Portugal with 4 won rounds!
Costs in Total
Winner: England! with a total of €584,66 followed by Portugal with a total cost of €669,54. (€84,88 in cost difference)
Winner of the match:

With the lowest cost and the total of 6 rounds won, which makes England pass to the next phase of qualification and Portugal is eliminated!
Join us next time for the match: France VS Germany! (10/06/2011) If you are from one of these countries and want to see it pass and win just drop us the websites to search or even the cost of the prices and where is the price from for confirmation! Remember once again, your opinion is important for us! So don't be shy and comment!
1st! LoL