
Addict3d Update - From Toothaches and Beyond

Hello there, you probably noticed a lack on news, updates and all around activity in the blog for the past few days. This was exclusively blamed in my tooth who just happened to fail doing its job and went harakiri on me, but not all this. 

I would like to apologize if you just got here to see news and there weren't any. My personal health comes first unfortunately and I just passed through a rough couple of days due to my tooth, the pain was almost unbearable and until the antibiotic kicked in it was hell.

On another news, we are postponing the European Price Championship, i fail to find a German based online store and unfortunately we haven't got a single e-mail helping us out on this. The France prices are already done, so until either I find a store or someone lets me know (send your replies either on the blog or the email below the banner) we can't continue.

Despite the troubles we are having, we aren't slowing down on the news, we are trying to improve the news and add a little opinion on the Gaming world. We are trying contact some Development companies and their 3rd Party Distributors so we can generate autonomous news that will make you, our viewer and probably curious gamer, come to our website in search for, and not also, giving a personal touch to every news we can write, this means more opinions coming, more into games that are currently being played such as reviews and the state of games (problems and solutions).

So if you are an avid reader here, please stick with us for the next couple of days, until this toothache passes away and I feel 100% ready to continue giving you the best news possible!

Oh and a sidenote, we are still looking for writers, send us an article or something you might want to rant about to your mail (once again below the banner) and after being carefully examined, or at least looked at, you might get your story posted!

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