
Is Onlive now worth it?

Image Provided by Onlive
Onlive, the entertainment "system" that lets you play a cornucopia of games in computers that enters the 5-10 year old retirement rule has been here for quite sometime now, but the question is the same as when it was shown a public client release: Is it worth it?


Introducing: Reasons why I don't want to live in this planet anymore - Game Edition

Image provided by Memesters.com
In todays post I'm going to start a periodical article intitled "Why I don't want to live in this planet anymore - Game Edition" which will focus on my view of the wrongs of the game industry and community.


OTTD Releases 1.2.0 Beta-4

Logo of OpenTTD

OTTD, or Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe, a remake project of the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe released in '96 made through Beta-4 a couple of days ago, with new features and compatibility fixes.


0 A.D. - An indie trying to compete with Age of Empires?

English: The logo of the real-time strategy op...

Age of Empires has been one of the most iconic RTS references in the 90's and with its latest released being Age of Empires III (with further expansion packs), but would it be threatened by this indie FREE game called 0 A.D?

New Addict3d Options

Hello and welcome once again to our blog! Today we will show you how much Addict3d changed, why and the new options! From tiny bars, to arcade games check it out after the break.